Why we give.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7
Giving isn't a way to earn merit with God or pay it forward for a future blessing. Giving should come as a response. We give because God gave. God has been incredibly generous toward us. He has lavishly given us life, breath, beauty, love, joy. But the supreme example of his generosity is the sacrificial giving of his own Son in the gospel. The gospel makes us generous people. People who joyfully give of their time, talent and treasure for the glory of God and the good of others.
You can give safely and securely online through the Planning Center Giving platform either on our website or on the Church Center App. The process is simple and easy. Once you set up a user account you can give through a one-time donation or connect to a payment method for recurring donations. Your gifts are tax deductible and you will be emailed as soon as the gift is received.
Give In Person
During our Sunday morning gathering you can give by dropping donations in one of the giving boxes by the Connect Desk.
Give By Mail
Simply send your check to Summit Christian Fellowship:
PO Box 574
Puyallup, WA 98371
PO Box 574
Puyallup, WA 98371
Any Further Questions
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Agape Project International is working to train pastors and leaders across Kenya. Summit has affirmed Mike Sandberg as a missionary through this organization. We are incredibly grateful to see all of the ways the Lord has used Mike to help gospel-centered training and resources spread across Kenya and beyond.
If you are interested in supporting Mike and his ministry through API, please use the link below to make a one-time or recurring non-tax-deductible gift.
If you are interested in supporting Mike and his ministry through API, please use the link below to make a one-time or recurring non-tax-deductible gift.
To find out more about Agape Project International or give to API's Pastor Development fund, click the link below.